Court delays enforcement of California privacy regulations
The Superior Court for the County of Sacramento adopted a ruling during a hearing held June 30, granting the California Chamber of Commerce’s (Chamber of Commerce) request to enjoin the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) from enforcing its California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) regulations until March 2024. Enforcement of the CPRA regulations was set to begin July 1.
The approved regulations (which were finalized in March and took effect immediately) update existing California Consumer Privacy Act regulations to harmonize them with amendments adopted by voter initiative under the CPRA in November 2020. (Covered by InfoBytes here.) In February of this year, the CPPA acknowledged that it had not finalized regulations regarding cybersecurity audits, risk assessments, and automated decision-making technology and posted a preliminary request for comments to inform this rulemaking. (Covered by InfoBytes here.) The June 30 ruling referred to a public statement issued by the CPPA, in which the agency explained that enforcement of those three areas would not commence until after the applicable regulations are finalized. However, the CPPA stated it intended to “enforce the law in the other twelve areas as soon as July 1.”
In March, the Chamber of Commerce filed a lawsuit in state court seeking a one-year delay of enforcement for the new regulations. The Chamber of Commerce argued that the CPPA had finalized its regulations in March 2023 (rather than the statutorily-mandated completion date of July 1, 2022), and as a result businesses were not provided the required one-year period to come into compliance before the CPPA begins enforcement. The CPPA countered that the text of the statute “is not so straightforward as to confer a mandatory promulgation deadline of July 1, 2022, nor did the voters intend for impacted business to have a 12-month grace period between the [CPPA’s] adoption of all final regulations and their enforcement.”
The court disagreed, finding that the CPPA’s failure “to timely pass final regulations” as required by the CPRA “is sufficient to grant the Petition.” The court stated that because the CPRA required the CPPA to pass final regulations by July 1, 2022, with enforcement beginning one year later, “voters intended there to be a gap between the passing of final regulations and enforcement of those regulations.” The court added that it was “not persuaded” by the CPPA’s argument “that it may ignore one date while enforcing the other.” However, staying enforcement of all the regulations for one year until after the last of the CPRA regulations have been finalized would “thwart the voters’ intent.” In striking a balance, the court stayed the CPPA’s enforcement of the regulations that became final on March 29 and said the agency may begin enforcing those regulations on March 29, 2024. The court also held that any new regulations issued by the CPPA will be stayed for one year after they are implemented. The court declined to mandate any specific date by which the CPPA must finalize the outstanding regulations.