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FSB finalizes crypto framework

July 19, 2023

On July 17, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) released its global regulatory framework for promoting comprehensive, international consistency of regulatory and supervisory approaches for crypto-asset activities and stablecoins, while also supporting responsible innovations potentially brought by technological changes. Based on the principle of “same activity, same risk, same regulation,” FSB’s framework consists of two distinct sets of recommendations. The first set of recommendations focuses on regulating, supervising, and overseeing crypto-asset activities and markets at a high level. The recommendations establish a global regulatory baseline for promoting a framework that is technology-neutral and focuses on underlying activities and risks (FSB notes that some jurisdictions may choose to take more restrictive regulatory measures). The second set provides revised high-level recommendations specifically for the regulation, supervision, and oversight of “global stablecoin” arrangements. The recommendations also seek to promote consistent and effective regulation, supervision and oversight of global stablecoin arrangements across jurisdictions to address potential financial stability risks posed at both the domestic and international level, while further “supporting responsible innovation and providing sufficient flexibility for jurisdictions to implement domestic approaches.”

The final recommendations “take account of lessons from events of the past year in crypto-asset markets, as well as feedback received during the public consultation of the FSB’s proposals,” the announcement said, noting that central bank digital currencies are not subject to these recommendations. The FSB and sectoral standard-setting bodies (SSBs) will continue to coordinate work to promote the development of a comprehensive and coherent global regulatory framework that is appropriate for the risks associated with crypto-asset market activities, including providing more detailed guidance through SSBs and monitoring and public reporting.