Hawaii Amends Provisions Relating To Mortgage Loan Originators
On July 7, 2011, Hawaii Senate Bill 1519, which amended Chapter 454F, a statute that relates to mortgage loan originators, became effective. Among other provisions, the bill (i) authorizes certain persons exempt from licensing to register with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (Licensing System) to sponsor certain mortgage loan originators, (ii) requires all mortgage loan originators to be sponsored by an exempt or non-exempt sponsoring mortgage loan originator company, (iii) provides for an administrative hearing in connection with a denied license application, (iv) provides for certain license applications to be considered abandoned, (v) sets forth the duties of a “qualified individual” and a “branch manager,” (vi) requires certain exempt sponsoring mortgage loan originator companies to register with the Licensing System and pay related fees, (vii) provides for automatic secondary review of license applications, and (viii) prohibits unfair or deceptive practices related to mortgage loan origination activities.