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FDIC makes public August enforcement actions

October 6, 2023

On September 29, the FDIC released a list of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in August. During the month, the FDIC made public nine orders consisting of “three consent orders, three orders terminating consent orders, two orders of prohibition, and one order to pay a civil money penalty.” The list includes an order to pay a civil money penalty imposed against a Utah-based bank related to violations of the Flood Disaster Protection Act. The FDIC claimed that the bank engaged in a pattern practice of violating FDPA by, among other things: (i) issuing loans without adequate flood insurance; (ii) failing to provide notices when increasing or extending loans; and (iii) “failing to provide required force-placed insurance notices when loans were secured by properties and contents located in Special Flood Hazard Areas.” The bank neither admitted nor denied the alleged violations but agreed to, among other things, pay a $4,125 civil money penalty.