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Agencies finalize guidance on managing third parties

June 9, 2023

On June 6, the OCC, Federal Reserve Board, and FDIC issued interagency guidance to aid banking organizations in managing risks related to third-party relationships, including relationships with financial technology-focused entities. (See also FDIC FIL-29-2023 and Federal Reserve Board memo here.) The joint guidance, final as of June 6, replaces each agency’s existing general guidance on third-party risk management and is directed to all supervised banking organizations. Designed to streamline government guidance on mitigating risks when working with third parties, the final guidance establishes principles for banking organizations to consider when implementing risks management practices. Banking organizations are advised to consider and account for the level of risk, complexity, and size of the institution, as well as the nature of the third-party relationship, when conducting sound risk management.

After considering public comments received on proposed guidance issued in July 2021 (covered by InfoBytes here), the final guidance provides directions and expectations for oversight at all stages in the life cycle of a third-party relationship, including topics relating to planning, due diligence and third-party selection, contract negotiations, ongoing monitoring, and termination. Guidance on conducting independent reviews, maintaining documentation, and reporting is also included. The agencies advised banking organizations, particularly community banks, to review illustrative examples to help align risk management practices with the scope and risk profile of their third-party relationships. Additionally, banking organizations should maintain a complete inventory of their third-party relationships, identify higher-risk and critical activities, periodically conduct reviews to determine whether risks have changed over time, and update risk management practices accordingly, the agencies said.

The final guidance emphasizes that the agencies will review a banking organization’s third-party risk management practices as part of the standard supervisory process. When assessing whether activities are conducted in a safe and sound manner and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, examiners will, among other things, (i) evaluate a banking organization’s ability to oversee and manage third party relationships; (ii) assess the effects of those relationships on a banking organization’s risk profile and operational performance; (iii) perform transaction testing to evaluate whether activities performed by a third party comply with applicable laws and regulations; (iv) conduct conversations relating to any identified material risks and deficiencies with senior management and board of directors; (v) review how a banking organization remediates any deficiencies; and (vi) consider supervisory findings when rating a banking organization.

The agencies stressed that they may take corrective measures, including enforcement actions, to address identified violations or unsafe or unsound banking practices by the banking organization or its third party. The agencies further announced that they plan to immediately engage with community banks and will develop additional resources in the future to help these organizations manage relevant third-party risks.