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Colorado releases second draft of Colorado Privacy Act rules

January 6, 2023

On December 21, the Colorado attorney general released a second set of draft rules for the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA). As previously covered by a Buckley Special Alert, the CPA was enacted in July 2021 to establish a framework for personal data privacy rights. The CPA, which is effective July 1, 2023 with certain opt-out provisions taking effect July 1, 2024, provides consumers with numerous rights, including the right to access their personal data, opt-out of certain uses of personal data, make corrections to personal data, request deletion of personal data, and obtain a copy of personal data in a portable format. Under the CPA, the AG has enforcement authority for the law, which does not have a private right of action. The AG also has authority to promulgate rules to carry out the requirements of the CPA and issue interpretive guidance and opinion letters, as well as the authority to develop technical specifications for at least one universal opt-out mechanism. The first set of draft rules was issued last September and published by the Secretary of State on October 10 (covered by InfoBytes here).

The second set of draft rules seeks to address concerns raised through public comments as well as feedback received during three stakeholder sessions. The AG seeks specific input on questions related to (i) clarifications to definitions; (ii) the use of IP addresses to verify consumer opt-out requests; (iii) implementation of a universal opt-out mechanism; (iv) controller obligations related to meaningful privacy notices; and (v) bona fide loyalty programs. Among other things, the modifications would:

  • Clarify definitions. The modifications add, delete, and amend several definitions, including those related to “biometric identifiers,” “commercial product or service,” “controller,” “employee,” “employer,” “employment records,” “noncommericial purpose,” “personal data,” “process,” “processor,” “profiling,” and terms involving automated processing.
  • Amend purpose-based privacy notices. The modifications remove the requirement that privacy notices be purpose-based, and will instead require that the processing purpose and type of personal data processed be connected in a way that provides consumers a meaningful understanding of how their personal data will be used. The AG seeks feedback on ways the draft rules can “be made interoperable with California’s privacy notice requirements, while still considering the CPA’s purpose specification, secondary use requirements, and ensuring that a consumer has a meaningful understanding of the way their personal data will be used when they interact with a controller.” Feedback is also requested on whether controllers “who have updated their privacy policies to comply with California’s privacy notice requirements anticipate making a separate policy for Colorado, updating a California specific privacy notice to include Colorado or other state requirements, or revising the main privacy policy/notice to meet Colorado and other non-California state requirements[.]”
  • Update universal opt-out mechanism. The modifications grant controllers six months from the date a universal opt-out mechanism is recognized by the AG to begin complying with that new mechanism. An initial public list of approved opt-out mechanisms will be published no later than January 1, 2024, and will be updated periodically.
  • Clarify security measures and duty of care. The modifications provide additional details about the duty to safeguard personal data, and will require controllers to, among other things, consider “[a]pplicable industry standards and frameworks,” and the sensitivity, amount, and original source of the personal data when identifying reasonable and appropriate safeguards. The modifications also include provisions related to the processing of sensitive data inferences and specifies deletion requirements.
  • Reduce data protection assessment requirements. The modifications reduce the information that must be included in a controller’s data protection assessment.
  • Clarify privacy notice changes. The modifications clarify when a controller must notify a consumer of “substantive or material” changes to its data processing that trigger updates to its privacy notice. The modifications emphasize that disclosure of a new processing purpose in a privacy policy alone does not constitute valid consent.
  • Address refreshing of consumer consent. The modifications provide that consumer consent must be refreshed when a consumer has not interacted with the controller in the last 12 months, and (i) the controller is processing sensitive personal information; or (ii) is processing personal data for secondary data use that involves profiling for a decision that could result “in the provision or denial of financial or lending services, housing, insurance, education enrollment or opportunity, criminal justice, employment opportunities, health-care services, or access to essential goods or services.” However, controllers will not be required to refresh consent in situations where consumers have the ability to update their own opt-out preferences at any time.

Comments on the second set of draft rules are due February 1. If the formal rulemaking hearing on the proposed rules (scheduled for February 1) extends beyond that date, comments must be received on or before the last day of the hearing.