FHFA launches Office of Financial Technology
On July 18, FHFA announced the establishment of the Office of Financial Technology to help address emerging fintech risks and priorities. The new office will support the agency in: (i) developing strategies for FHFA-regulated entities to advance safe, responsible, and equitable fintech innovation; (ii) sharing best practices related to fintech in housing finance; (iii) establishing outreach through regulated entities to promote awareness and understanding of fintech innovation; (iv) facilitating interagency collaboration and partnerships with other regulators; and (v) providing resources on innovation, general trends, and emerging risks in housing finance. The new office will also help develop strategies for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks to advance fintech in a responsible manner.
The agency also issued a request for information (RFI) on the role of financial technology in housing finance and the risks and opportunities presented by technology throughout the mortgage lifecycle. Among other things, the RFI seeks feedback on ways the agency can “constructively interact with other stakeholders to facilitate responsible innovation, including the identification of any barriers to or challenges in implementing fintech in the housing finance ecosystem, while also focusing on supporting equity in the housing finance landscape for both homeowners and renters.” FHFA stated it also has an interest in understanding ways technology might automate and increase the effectiveness of compliance and regulatory processes (broadly referred to as “regtech”), commenting that “[r]egtech provides an opportunity to enhance transparency, consistency, and standardization of those processes, while reducing compliance costs.” Comments are due by October 16.