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Chopra outlines CFPB’s efforts to promote competition in financial markets

July 14, 2022

On July 11, CFPB Director Rohit Chopra provided an overview of recent steps taken by the agency as part of a “whole-of-government effort” to promote financial market competition. In an effort to identify obstacles facing consumers who want to refinance or easily switch providers, the Bureau sent letters to the CEOs of the nation’s largest credit card companies asking for explanations of how they furnish data to credit reporting agencies regarding the exact monthly payment amounts made by borrowers (covered by InfoBytes here). The Bureau reported that “[c]onsumers reasonably expect that they will receive competitively priced credit based on their ability to manage and repay their credit obligations,” but warned that “this is impaired if actual payment amount information is being suppressed by major credit card companies.” Chopra added that the Bureau is also working to “identify[] impediments to refinancing in other markets, including mortgages and auto,” and is “accelerating its work to implement a required rulemaking on personal financial data rights” to help promote competition and switching by providing consumers more control of their data.

Chopra also highlighted an initiative to reduce junk fees. As previously covered by InfoBytes, the Bureau has requested comments from the public on fees associated with consumers’ bank accounts, prepaid or credit card accounts, mortgages, loans, payment transfers, and other financial products that are allegedly not subject to competitive processes to ensure fair pricing. The Bureau also issued an advisory opinion last month stating its interpretation that Section 808 of the FDCPA and Regulation F generally prohibit debt collectors from charging consumers “pay-to-pay” fees, also commonly known as convenience fees, for making payments online or by phone to make sure debt collectors are not “disadvantaged by those that impose unlawful fees” (covered by InfoBytes here). A rulemaking process has also begun to address credit card late fees and late payments and card issuers’ revenue and expenses (covered by InfoBytes here).

Additionally, Chopra discussed Bureau efforts to identify roadblocks facing small financial institutions and new entrants when challenging larger, more dominant players. Specifically, the Bureau issued orders to six large U.S. technology companies seeking information and data on their payment system business practices (covered by InfoBytes here). According to Chopra’s statement, the “information will help the CFPB shed light on how they will decide who they kick off their platform and how they will use the data of individual consumers and any competing businesses.” The Bureau is also working with community banks to understand the impact of major core services providers on their business (covered by InfoBytes here).