OCC reminds banks of venture capital prohibitions
On November 23, the OCC sent banks a reminder that they are generally prohibited from making most equity investments in venture capital funds. The bulletin warned that simply because an investment in a fund qualifies for the venture capital fund exclusion under the Volcker Rule, it does not mean the fund is a permissible investment for a national bank, federal savings association, or federal branch and agency of a foreign bank. Prior to investing in a venture capital fund, banks must make a determination as to whether the investment is permissible and appropriate for the bank. The OCC reminded banks that engaging in impermissible and inappropriate investments may expose a bank and its institution-affiliated parties to enforcement actions and civil money penalties. Additionally, national bank directors may be held personally liable for losses attributed to impermissible investments. The OCC noted, however, that equity investments in venture capital funds may be allowed provided they are public welfare investments or investments in small business investment companies.