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FDIC proposes revisions to its supervisory appeals process

August 28, 2020

On August 21, the FDIC announced a proposal to amend the agency’s Guidelines for Appeals of Material Supervisory Determinations (Guidelines) and establish a new, independent Office of Supervisory Appeals (Office) that would replace the current Supervision Appeals Review Committee. The new Office, which will have final authority to resolve appeals, would be independent from other divisions within the FDIC that have authority to issue material supervisory determinations. According to the release, to promote the Office’s independence, the FDIC intends to recruit externally and employ reviewing officials on a part-time or intermittent, time-limited basis. The proposal also includes modifications to the procedures and timeframes regarding when determinations underlying formal enforcement-related actions may be appealed.

Among other things, the proposal would update the Guidelines to clarify that for purposes of the supervisory appeals process, a formal enforcement-related action begins, and appeal rights are temporarily unavailable, when the FDIC: (i) initiates a formal investigation; (ii) issues a notice of charges or notice of assessment, as applicable; (iii) provides an institution with a draft consent order; or (iv) provides written notice stating “that the FDIC is reviewing the relevant facts and circumstances to determine whether a formal enforcement action is merited.” Under the proposal, should the FDIC provide written notice that it is determining whether a formal enforcement action is merited, the agency would be required to provide the institution with a draft consent order within 120 days, as well as an opportunity to engage in settlement negotiations. If the FDIC fails to provide the institution with a draft consent order within the initial 120-day period, supervisory appeal rights would become available to the institution. If a settlement is not reached, the FDIC would have 90 days to issue a notice of charges or assessment or open an order of investigation, or the institution’s supervisory appeal rights would be made available. In either case, once supervisory appeal rights are made available, the institution would have 60 days to file an appeal, which is consistent with the standard timeline for appealing a material supervisory determination. If the institution agrees to the consent order, “then the matter would be resolved and the need for an appeal would be obviated.”

If the proposal is adopted, institutions “would continue to be encouraged to make good-faith efforts to resolve disagreements with examiners or the appropriate regional office or division director.” However, if an institution is unable to resolve a disagreement regarding a material supervisory determination through such efforts, it would be able to appeal that determination to the Office.

Chairman Jelena McWilliams commented that the while the proposal retains several aspects of the existing appeals process—for example, the burden of proof on appeal will continue to rest with the institution—the “proposal seeks to establish a fair, independent process for a bank to appeal material supervisory decisions,” which is “key to promoting consistency among examiners across the country, ensuring accountability at the agency, and, ultimately, maintaining stability and public confidence in the nation’s financial system.” McWilliams added that she does not expect the proposed changes to result “in an avalanche of appeals.”

Comments on the proposal will be accepted until October 20.