Nevada governor issues Emergency Directive to assist landlords and tenants impacted by Covid-19
On June 25, the Nevada governor issued Emergency Directive 025 to assist landlords and tenants in Nevada that have been directly or indirectly impacted by the economic environment caused by Covid-19. The directive, among other things: (i) strongly encourages the use of form Lease Addendum/Promissory Note for Rental Arrearages Due to COVID-19, to cure rental payment defaults of the original lease agreement, whether written or oral; (ii) strongly encourages landlords and tenants to enter into a voluntary repayment agreement for defaults in rental payments related to COVID-19; (iii) orders landlords to cease any eviction proceeds in a repayment agreement is entered into; (iv) authorizes limited residential summary eviction actions as outlined in the directive; (v) clarifies that the prohibition on charging late payment fees or penalties for nonpayment under the terms of a lease or rental agreement will terminate on August 31, 2020, but cannot be applied retroactively to late rental payments due between March 30 and August 31; and (vi) authorizes unlawful detainer actions for other than commercial tenancies as set forth in the directive. The Executive Department also issued General FAQs, Residential Landlord FAQs, Residential Tenant FAQs, and Commercial FAQs for the Directive.