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Florida enacts legislation prohibiting the misrepresentation of a residential mortgage loan as a business purpose loan

March 30, 2018

On March 21, the Florida governor signed HB 935, which prohibits the misrepresentation of a residential mortgage loan as a business purpose loan. HB 935 defines “business purpose loan” and requires that “a person must refer to the official interpretation” of the CFPB under 12 C.F. R. Section 1026.3(a) to determine if a loan is for a “business purpose.”  It also provides penalties for knowingly or willfully misrepresenting a residential mortgage loan as a business purpose loan. Additionally, HB 935 defines the phrase “hold himself or herself out to the public as being in the mortgage lending business” to include representing to the public through advertisements or solicitations that the individual or business is a licensed mortgage lender. The law is effective July 1.