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HUD Clarifies Requirements Regarding Closing a Loan in the Name of an FHA-Approved Mortgagee Acting as a Sponsored Third Party Originator

February 17, 2012

On February 10, HUD issued Mortgagee Letter 2012-2 to clarify the requirements for the origination, closing, and submission for FHA insurance endorsement of loans via the sponsored third-party origination process. The Letter states that all third-party originators must be sponsored by an FHA-approved Direct Endorsement lender, and that sponsoring lenders are responsible for ensuring that the originators they sponsor adhere to FHA requirements. Sponsored third-party originator compliance failures may result in administrative action against the sponsoring mortgagee. Moreover, compliance failures by an FHA-approved mortgagee acting as a third-party sponsored originator may result in administrative action against both the sponsoring mortgagee and the FHA-approved mortgagee.