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Medical Device Manufacturer Resolves FCPA Enforcement Actions for $22.2 Million

February 9, 2012

On February 6, the U.S. Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission announced resolved FCPA enforcement actions against a domestic medical device manufacturer and its UK-based parent company. The combined monetary sanction totals $22.226 million, and the UK parent must retain an independent compliance monitor for a period of eighteen months. The conduct in question, as alleged in the SEC Complaint, involved the use of three UK shell companies created by a distributor in Greece for use as conduits to make payments to physicians in Greece working “at publicly-owned hospitals [and who were] government employees, providing healthcare services in their official capacities.” The commercial relationship between the device manufacturer and the distributor ended in 2008. More details are available in an update from BuckleySandler’s FCPA Team. To remain current on FCPA and anti-corruption developments, please view BuckleySandler’s FCPA Score Card.