Nevada Amends Regulations Implementing the Federal SAFE Act
On June 4, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval signed into law Assembly Bill 283 (AB 283), which revises Nevada’s regulations implementing the federal Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 relating to continuing education, criminal and civil liability, and the employment of mortgage agents. Under AB 283, mortgage agents, bankers, brokers, and employees of such entities that (i) are not residential mortgage loan originators, (ii) are not otherwise required to register with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry (NMLS), and (iii) have not voluntarily registered or renewed with NMLS are exempt from all regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Mortgage Lending relating to continuing education requirements. Assembly Bill 283 requires that non-exempt licensees dedicate at least three hours per year to continuing education specific to Nevada laws and regulations per year, as well as an additional two hours of continuing education classes related to ethics. In addition, AB 283 insulates investors who only provide money to acquire a beneficial interest in a mortgage loan from criminal or civil liability resulting from an act or omission committed by a mortgage broker. Finally, AB 283 updates the provisions relating to the licensing and regulation of mortgage agents to clarify the responsibilities of those who hold a certificate of exemption and those who sponsor mortgage agents.