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State of Maine’s Department of Professional and Financial Regulation and Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection Issue Joint Advisory Ruling Regarding the Federal Reserve’s Interim Truth In Lending Rule

January 6, 2011

On January 6, Maine’s Department of Professional and Financial Regulation and Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection (Bureaus) issued a Joint Advisory Ruling regarding closed-end credit disclosures in light of the Federal Reserve’s Interim Truth-in-Lending Rule (Interim Rule), which was published on September 24, 2010. The Bureaus confirmed that lenders must continue to follow Maine’s current version of 12 C.F.R. 226.18 when providing disclosures to Maine consumers. However, the Bureaus announced that they would use their regulatory discretion to not take action to enforce Maine’s inconsistent disclosure provisions against lenders that act in conformity with the Interim Rule. The Bureaus issued the no-action declaration because the Interim Rule provide more complete disclosures and better protection for Maine consumers.