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Connecticut “Debt Negotiation” License Required For Certain Activities Performed on Behalf of Connecticut Debtors

October 1, 2009

Effective October 1, the Connecticut Department of Banking will require licensure for “debt negotiation” – including loan modification, short sales or foreclosure rescue activities – performed on behalf of Connecticut debtors. Persons triggering debt negotiation licensure must license a corporate or “main office,” as well as all branch locations where debt negotiation will occur. The application process requires, among other things, the submission of forms as drafted by the Department, licensing fees, and surety bond and personal forms for “control persons.” Connecticut law exempts from the debt negotiation licensing requirements (i) an attorney admitted to practice in Connecticut, when engaged in such practice, (ii) certain banks and credit unions (however, subsidiaries of such institutions other than operating subsidiaries of federal banks and federally-chartered out-of-state banks are not exempt from licensure), (iii) licensed Connecticut debt adjusters, while performing debt adjuster services, (iv) individuals performing “debt negotiation” under court order, and (v) a “bona fide nonprofit organization.”